Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Finally. We did it. We joined the ranks of all of our fellow cyber monkeys out there. Just a little insomnia and nothing on TV and voila...a blog was born. I'm excited, I finally got motivated.

When I told Henry we started a family blog this was his reaction. Hehehehe.


A Cupcake Life said...

IT'S ABOUT TIME! HA HA! Henry sure looks bigger and more mature since we saw him for the 4th of July. He totally has Dave's eyes and your hair! Hey, i am working on getting you that info...can't seem to find that price sheet in my disorganized house. No names for you at HD, they are worthless either way!

What's New said...

I love it!! Now I have more people to stalk on the internet. I know you will be happy to capture all of Henry's moments, and cute things he does. It will be a great keepsake for when he gets older. My mom will be thrilled to see it.

Anonymous said...

Thats a damm cute kid