Sunday, January 18, 2009

Benjamin at Two Months

Hello Again and Happy New Year.
Wow, things have been busy these past months.
Since the last post Benjamin turned 2 -(12/8/08) then 3 -(1/8/09) months old.
Here he is shown at two months.
On 12/11/08 he had his 2 month visit with Dr. C. He measured 13 pounds (75% on growth chart), 23 inches (50% on growth chart) and his head was 16 inches around. He smiles a lot, he has the fullest lips (like his Daddy), he has the cutest double chin, he loves to blow spit bubbles and he actually giggles. Ben is such an easy going baby and lots of fun.
We are thrilled he is in our lives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boy, he is so cute. Such a sweet little smile, and cooing. Great moment captured on tape.