Monday, October 13, 2008

The Best Big Brother...with mixed feelings at times

Henry has been very curious and surprisingly gentle with little Ben. Dave and I have been secretly watching him when the two of them alone. Dave said that Henry tried to feed Ben a bottle while he was asleep and then wiped his mouth with a tissue after some milk dripped. I walked into the room and found the baby rattle next to Ben's head. I smiled and praised Henry. However, the next time I walked in the room Ben's head was covered with a receiving blanket. Maybe he thought that if he couldn't see him he doesn't exist. I think that Henry is enjoying a new baby, but misses getting all of the attention. For the most part he is doing very well. Once we get semi-caught up on sleep we're going to have to take him to do something special. Afterall, being a Big Brother is a hard job and Henry deserves a little recognition. :)


Anonymous said...

What cute little moments you are witnessing with Henry and Ben - Henry is already being that protective big brother.

Anonymous said...

I hope Jeffrey is as good a big brother as Henry is turning out to be!! Erin