Sunday, April 6, 2008

A Waiter's Worst Nightmare


We took Henry out to dinner when we were in Roseville. I kept wondering, "why is it taking so long?" People who came after us were being seated and we were still waiting for our "special" table. Finally, it was our turn. The hostess called us and we began our long journey which never seemed to end. We reached our table at the very back of the restaurant along with a couple other families. It felt like we had been transported to France. But, at least there they pay less when seated in the boonies. Then the waiter showed up and gave us that look. I had come prepared with several distractions, so we just took it in stride. At the end of the meal the waiter said he was impressed. Henry did great. We skipped dessert because we didn't want to push our luck. Of course, Henry didn't miss a beat...chocolate was his second course.
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1 comment:

What's New said...

What a handsome little devil! You guys are doing it right - now, he is accustomed to "fine dining", and knows how to behave accordingly. His little smile is the only tip the waiter should need.