Monday, January 21, 2008

Our Jabber Monkey

Henry has been talking up a storm.

He carries on full conversations with his Little People, farm animals, trucks, a hat or body part du jour. Sometimes he sounds like he's a real social butterfly, answering his plastic playmate with a high-pitched tone and a smiling voice with what seems like a very stimulating conversation. Other times, he sounds like a tyrant, scolding his poor toy. This usually end in him throwing the toy across the room.

Some words that I have been able to understand are:
doggie, oooh wooooow (yeah, we'll I consider it a word :)), ut oh (this one too), truck, towel, bye, hi, mommy, daddy, please, thank you, nelcome (for "you're welcome"), bottle, eeee-oooo (this makes him rock higher on his rocking doggie), cock-a-doodle-do, moooo, owie, snow, cat, ear, hot, eat, nose, cheers (he actually clanks his bottle to your drink while he says this).

1 comment:

What's New said...

That's so awesome - sounds like he's great at just playing on his own and making his own fun. It's really neat that you are able to document all of the words he is saying - it will be fun to see it when he gets older.