Sunday, March 1, 2009

Swinging into 4 Months

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Ben was 4 months old just a couple of weeks ago. He has outgrown his 0-3 month clothes and is solidly into his 3-6 months outfits as well as some 6-9 month ones.
He is jabbering up a storm and he giggles and smiles at Henry. Even when his parents sometimes aren't :).
He holds his head up well and we've tried Ben in the Bumbo too. He loved it. While in it he always leans towards his right. You sit him straight up and before you know it he'll almost have his right foot in his mouth.
When he's on his back he'll bring his feet to his mouth. I'll have to post a picture of this. So cute.
On 2/24/09 I forgot the breast pump at home. Dave just happened to be going to Happy Camp that day and I was swamped with patients. So, I suffered. In a panic, I asked Dave to get the boys and backtrack to my work so I could get some relief. Boy, it was!!! While we were there, I asked Dr. C. if we could do a well child exam on Ben. He said, "Sure".
Ben weighed 16 pounds and was 25.75 inches long. His head was 17 inches around. They all plotted at the 75% ile. He's following his curve and perfectly proportional.
At the end of the exam Dr. C. said, "Do you want me to give the immunizations?" (all of the other staff were gone). I said, "I'll do it so you can get back to your charts." Then I gave him all three shots. Dave grimaced and couldn't look. He hardly cried and it didn't seem to bother me as much as I thought. Maybe, I'm a mean Mama? Nah, I just know how sick he could really get without them. I'm so happy my two (I mean 3) boys are healthy!!!

Handy Henry

Henry loves tools. He's always into his Daddy's tools, so we ensured that he got a tool set from Santa last year. These are a little bit safer for him and our furniture.
He can name them all. He calls his screwdriver is "dobber" and the monkey wrench his "monkey".
He is so cute with them. He constantly puts on and takes off his tool belt. Sometimes he wears it around his neck. He will methodically put all of the tools in there specific slots on the belt. He will walk backwards to me and say, "help me" when he can't reach behind him to get the saw in. He works along side his Daddy and attempts to "fix" things.
He's growing up. It's so fun to watch.

Welcome Mr. President


Nicki C. (Dr. C's wife) suggested that I take Ben's picture with the newspaper that came out during inauguration week. I did and placed a flag in my little American's hand. It eventually ended up in his mouth.
When he grows up, I hope that this allows him some perspective on what was happening politically during his first months of life.

The summer I was born was the summer of Watergate.
Now, that's a bit of history we'd all like to forget

Ben at 3.75 Months- Talking and Kicking

Hand-Me-Downs; Our Well Dressed Bunny

(Ben 3.5 Months)
Henry and Benjamin's Auntie Laurie has saved all of her children's clothes for her nephews. It has been so wonderful to have such an endless wardrobe. I can imagine it is as fun for her to see them enjoy these clothes and reminisce when her kiddos wore them, as it is for us remembering how old or what we were doing when Henry was small enough for them.
This night we were watching Jeopardy and one of the questions was, "what is the name of the children's author who used well dressed rabbits?" I stammered and was tapping Dave because I knew the name, but couldn't get it out. Then I looked down at this nighty that Ben was wearing and called out "Beatrix Potter." Dave gave me the craziest look and said, "You knew that?" I did because this outfit was a hand-me-down from Laurie which is from the Beatrix Potter collection and features a well dressed bunny on the front and has "Beatrix Potter" sewn on the collar.
Thank you Laurie for helping me win Jeopardy that night and for all of the nice clothes!!!

Mini Me

This reminds me of a scene from an Austin Powers movie :p
Ben is 3.5 months here.

Plural Family

Henry is coming along with his words and now uses full sentences.
It is funny because when he calls me or Dave he says, "Mommies, come here" or "Daddies, help me please." He also pluralizes his own name, "Henries wants to ____ (fill in the blank)."
We enjoy being able to better communicate with him.